The Tribal Individual - Large Splenic Split
“People with the Sun in Aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated… Their natural inclination is to use their bodies to get things done. They’re not… big on planning ahead. Instead, they live their lives simply. What is happening right now is most important to Aries.”
★ Astrology Cafe - The Sun In Aries
Being in tune with the now and nature of life comes very comfortably to me as an Aries-Sun. In Human Design I am a Splenic-Authority which too is said to operate in the ‘now’. Often in my life I have found deep attunement when living with this moment to moment awareness and this is certainly something I had peeled many layers of, prior to discovering Human Design, say in my practice and awareness of Yoga and other such systems as Feng Shui or Sensory Deprivation.
When I listen to my body’s intuition I become more in tune with my environment, nature, and the maia I was mothered into, as nature too lives here in the now.
Following my Splenic-Authority my Active-Mountains-Environment is revealed to me as a range gained through moving the body into an elevated perspective and then also being still in this vantage before moving on. I feel a continual theme of this in having the Sixth-Colour-Motivation, which speaks to neutrality of intention and therefore being able to render experiences from a youthful-Aries-visionary-like-perspective.
Active-Mountains-Environment alike to the Sixth-Colour-Motivation feels about an open perspective. A perspective that is tall and horizonal, and I sense this really plays into themes of my Libra-Rising in Astrology too, as one who engages with everyone’s view.
I feel like the ‘mountain’ aspect of this said Human Design environment also means for a stationary location, something tribally themed in myself perhaps, as ‘one does not move mountains’ so that this active movement feels to me like a localised process of physical movement, elevation, and perspective. Ultimately I am always living in a valley, while surrounded by mountains, and when not exploring the great outdoors in large heights I have found it to be ideal to take vantage in the most accessible means available, spending a small part of my day in an elevation of the norm.
I get a sense that the ‘active’ part of this environment is also instinctual, primitive, and perhaps even tribal in theme of my chart, and all feels in flow to my Splenic-Authority and Large-Split-Definition. I have three Gate activations in the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness, and the majority of my Gate placements - 42% - are in the Individual-Circuitry, while most are dormant and inactive in my own BodyGraph. Having said this however, I am dominated by two Tribal-Circuitry-Channels from my Splenic-Centre, the 32-54 Channel Of Transformation and the 26-44 Channel Of Surrender, which make up the other two-thirds of my Large-Split-Definition.
Energetically my Large-Split-Definition feels like a theme that offers a dynamic of one who may instinctually leave their mountain vantage and roam amongst other perspectives of their territory, and in doing so their stripes strike legend about town amongst a tribe who recognise their distinct uniqueness.
My Large-Split-Definition involving my undefined Throat-Center, G-Center, Solar-Plexus-Center, and ‘Sun-Gate-42-hosting-Sacral-Center’ makes a lot of sense to my Active-Mountains-Environment, when adding in this Tribal-Circuitry awareness, as someone who needs to leave my secluded vantage in order to be recognized for my unique stripes, as well as be invited in to experiences with multiple different invitations to work energy through my Large-Split-Definition.
As a Projector-Aura this social dynamic feels themed in my Tribal-Circuitry, and therefore Ego-Circuitry energy… being on the scene… for the scene. Not leaving my vantage to be found but because my Splenic-Authority moved me into the potential trajectory of others, and where I can be called into action of guidance.
Alternatively in a moment of quiet still - being found by a passing passenger - while high on my mountain perch.
Having the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness, the Active-Mountains-Environment offers a quiet retreat for this energy. I really can see how the deep wisdom of mystery that this 61-24 Channel of Awareness holds, being like a rugged journey up a tall unforgiving mountain, that has you climb to the top of the idea, continually leveling-up, only to climb back down, and be repeated over and over again.
With the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness being the only Definition in my Personality-Conscious, as well as it being in my Design-Unconscious Sun-Gate-61.3, I have been invited here to think and when I move my body into elevated vantages this brings the volume of my mind’s chatter to a fluid flow state and whether this elevation is the 8 steps up to my mountain view window apartment, a hammock in the garden, a hike up a mountain trail, a second story in a café, the highest step in a sauna, or simply sat on a bench-table in a park enjoying a picnic, I feel this movement climbs to heights of perspective that help me process this mental energy.
I sense it is very much my First-Line Personality-Conscious that likes this solace away high, and more so my Third-Line Design-Unconscious body that perhaps plays well in having a personalised active pace to my day, no agenda, free to follow the scent of my nose to which ‘smell’ is the sense associated to my Splenic-Authority and Sixth-Colour-Motivation. My Third-Line themes alike to my Sixth-Colour-Motivation, or say my undefined G-Center, in that I often have random exchanges with the most unlikely of people, or have some oddball story of process - or experience in encountering others.
Using my body certainly makes my thoughts condense to a smaller plight, and at times the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness really needs this physical active divergence of perspective, alongside the mountain side silence, in order to spill ideas through a wheel of thought.
With two Motor-Centers defined in my BodyGraph, the Root-Center and Will-Center, this makes me an Energy-Projector-Aura, and the times I have felt most successful in my life is when my only focus was on exercising. To say this unintentionally leaves out everything else that I do in this ‘focus of exercise’ whether it’s studying or creating, but as a focus and foundation, moving my body relieves me of a lot of internal dissonance that I experience.
Exercise and fitness is something I am now returning to in my Human Design experiment with a new awareness and invitation. I sense now coming into my third year of my Human Design experiment that I will have an even deeper experience of developing my relationship with my body and nature.
I was recently invited to join a neighbourhood running group and it feels like an invitation I have been waiting for all my life, as I have had very up and down success in fitness and wellbeing, and never had a committed friend or tribe who want to train with me. It was very interesting to read about this experience in the 28-38 Channel Of Struggle, as one who has 4 hanging activations in Gate-38, as well as having the 32-54 Channel Of Transformation defined, connecting my Root-Center to the Splenic-Center.
“One of the difficulties of all motorized projectors is that they suffer from retained energy. This energy can over time either distort their bodies, or it can make them hyperactive. I always recommend to people with any of these channels linking the root to the spleen that they use their body physically. But again, they have to be invited to it.”
★ 28-38 Channel Of Struggle - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry
In balance of exercise, I certainly like extended periods of stillness and rest - especially as a Projector-Aura.
You don’t have to tell me twice, or once for that matter. Part of my focus of fitness is that I also love spas, flotation therapy, and saunas, as the hydrotherapy often aligns with quiet, nature, peace, and rest.
A big theme in my Sun Gate-42.1 is about utilising resources and I certainly could benefit from having a tribe of people who recognize me, and can help elevate my access to materials to enhance this time of peace, introspection, and hydrotherapy. Within an aligned tribe, speaking as a true 26-44 Channel Of Surrender, this resource optimisation is as much for myself, as for everyone in the tribe.
“The whole concept of rest is the real key to understanding the ego circuit. When the ego is allowed to rest, it does as much in terms of productivity in its work, than those without the ego who work so much more. These 26/44s have a natural gift of compressing effort into a much different time span. They really do their best work on the golf course. This is the power of the ego.”
★ 26-44 Channel Of Surrender - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry
Getting in touch with my Tribal-Circuitry energy and out of my ‘freak’ Individual-Circuitry mind energy is something I am recognising will serve me well in my deconditioning experiment. My Individual-Circuitry activations will become prevalent in the future, as with so many people living in their mind - perhaps I have to offer my own lessons lived and learned through my life experience of Not-Self, to which I am rich in this experience of such a melancholic mind.
Living in and operating from this mind focused Individual-Circuitry energy has not made me a healthy person, which does not come as a surprise when I consider myself as someone with the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness who was unaware of Human Design for much of their life. Through awareness of Human Design it has really helped my imagination run naturally as I do not attach reason or intent to why I spend the time observing or thinking about the things that I do.
“This is an invitation by life to think. It is an invitation of life in the sense that the knowing is just going to pass through anyway, and in its own time. What happens to most people is that they try to attach a reason to their mental process, just as they attach reasons to their emotional wave: ‘I am down because… I am up, because… I am thinking of this because… I am thinking of him because.’ But once we take away the ‘because’ the only thing left to us is to enjoy the ride. Then we can enjoy our thinking process without trying to be in control of what it brings to us, and when. The moment we try to control or understand our knowings we become vulnerable to all kinds of mental problems.”
★ 61-24 Channel Of Awareness - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry
As I mentioned, I have three Gate activations in the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness and when we split out my Design-Unconscious and Personality-Conscious we can see that the only Definition I am left with is this channel, with Gate-61.5 and Gate-24.4, and so this energy is very strong in my consciousness.
As we know Human Design really helps us withdraw from the nonsense and chatter of living in our mind, in a world where we are seeing a wide scale pandemic of mental health in society - today - this awareness has become very freeing for my own mental imprisonment. Human Design has taken what I know and have experimented with in my life experience of a pursuit of an authentic lifestyle, and true self living, and has helped me peel back many more layers towards the core of this energy.
I recognise now that I have a very active mind and that operating out of this Individual-Circuitry energy has isolated me from my Tribal-Circuitry energy. Especially in correlation to my Large-Split-Definition causing ‘blame and bitterness’.
Existing, living in, and making decisions from this Defined ‘mental’ energy of my Individual-Circuitry has really isolated me from the Tribal-Circuitry energy that I behold, as well as evidently damaged my health and well being significantly. When I listened to the ‘Signature’ talk that Ra Uru Hu gives where he focuses on the signature of the Projector-Aura, Bitterness to Success, he goes into detail about Large-Split-Definition Projector-Auras blaming ‘everybody’ of which being a causation of the many gaps that are between the Centers of Definition in their BodyGraph - in my case this is called a ‘large split’.
He takes it further and says if these types of Projector-Auras with Large-Split-Definition do not become aware of this they can even lose respect for others, and that blame will not allow them to see who the other can be. This was a huge turning point in my Human Design experiment as a ‘tribal-split-individual’ Projector-Aura - as I was right there on the brink of this. So isolated in blame and bitterness - blinded by my Not-Self energy - and really ‘over’ people and my experiences with people. I had lost respect for people. I was so over what I was watching unfold before me every day, while looking through such a bitter lens.
“And you never get to face the truth, you never get to see things the way they could be seen, oh blame is a horrendous thing.”
★ The Projector Signature - From Bitterness To Success
There are also echoes of this bitter blaming and self sabotaging, fear of, and lack of trust in others, within my diagnosis of Borderline-Personality-Disorder, as well as inhabiting a secondary diagnosis of Complex-Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. When I say that I had lost respect for others this does not mean I had disrespected people, rather speaking to the silent desperation and isolation that is the despair of my own mental health and feeling victimised by people. I see how in the example of my own life experience, how I had learned to cope with this by perpetually responding to life through Schemas of emotional behaviours with continual repeated outcomes of rejected experiences. I’ve experienced a lot of rejection in my life, of course it is also a Schema that I won’t be accepted for who I am - one of many Schemas I seem to have strong scores on - so this makes it worse - which has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Bitterness is cruel.
It was refreshing and empowering to be able to take this observation of linking my own level of blame and bitterness, not only from a lens of trauma, but a feeling of a deep separation - energetically - in my BodyGraph, and within myself. This is felt not just socially or psychologically as an isolation - but isolated in my own auras energy, and my own energetic vibe - which is so on theme to Borderline-Personality-Disorder and or my Large-Split-Definition. This sensation of self dissociation is common amongst people with Borderline-Personality-Disorder and I am not saying ‘Large-Split-Definition’ is the cause of everyone’s Borderline-Personality-Disorder, and rather how in my life experience it is easy to see through both these lenses of discipline - how this has distorted my perception of other people, with both dispersions of intellect formulating a similar symptom of an internal ‘cut off’ within my own sense of self.
Human Design has allowed me to see who others can be in a way that I would never have been persuaded otherwise by more traditional modalities looking inwards at myself, as for Projector-Auras it is said that it is better for them to look outward, than inwards. Human Design is powerful as it allows you to explore your own truth which is liberating, you do not need to buy into any aspect of Human Design other than awareness. Human Design allowed me to see other people in a new light, and in these moments of recognition, see aspects of myself within the other person’s energy.
A simple example I gave is the observation between my Large-Split-Definition being between two different types of Circuitry - Individual-Circuitry and Tribal-Circuitry - and how much I actually desired this tribal energy, but in reality how castaway I was from experiencing this, while living in the shipwreck of my mind. Once I began looking outward at others with this sort of tribal-energy-lens, a lot of things began to make sense in my life.
Being more open to my Tribal-Circuitry I have begun experimenting with the invites that I get from others, and my local tribe and how they resonate with me and my Splenic-Authority. Last summer I volunteered for a local fair as a way to explore this Tribal-Circuitry energy more profoundly. Holding awareness of my energy, it was such a potent way to connect one to one with various members of my community. The shaded forest was welcomed on a hot day, and it was the fair’s first since 2020’s social restrictions, so it had an added Sacral-Center buzz to it of say splendour satisfaction. I found a surprising peace here in this frequency of energy, and all in all, looking back I felt like the day was a success. I made sure not to over commit myself, as well as of course have some fun, following my nose around the stalls, finding some delicious snacks. I also came across a gem and stone stall. Here I entered and awaited to be greeted while investigating the dishes and bowls of colourful stoney-joys.
A seemingly closed aura greeted and informed me of their wares and offerings.
I had read that Sodalite was a stone associated to my Gate-42 in promoting good health for people with this Sun-Gate-42, and so being as careful as a young-excited-li’l-Aries can be when around such a peaceful aura and many colourful crystals and rocks - I quaintly crafted my question.
It turns out they did have Sodalite, and I picked a few other stones, one being Tiger Eye, because I like tigers. A crystal of Quartz being another, because the shape was super cool - like a Tiger’s tooth, and while the other two I am not sure of their names, I know I chose them because at the time I had been exploring the colours of green and pink being associated to Venus - as seen in my previous post B012 - and I liked the look of them in this collection also.
I have been carrying these stones around with me to sustain my connection with this Tribal-Circuitry energy and experience that I had - in a tangible way - that may also serve my Touch-Cognition… which is a subject I nearly dived into alongside Indirect-Light-Determination and all the rest of this share, but in order to keep this post digestible I had a Mars like tantrum and cut ‘sections’ for rainy-days to perhaps muse on these topics another time, as these are also concepts I am exploring in my Human Design experiment.
In summary of this post, with my Large-Split-Definition I turn to my Splenic-Authority, this drives me to engage in my environment which is Active-Mountains-Environment and nature, to which I sense a synchronicity to a revolving experience of elevated perspective that will always hold a duality of declining or inclining into that perspective.
There is also a balance required in understanding the gap between my Individual-Circuitry-Definition and my Tribal-Circuitry-Definition, and that as an Undefined-G-Center I am here to be found and invited into experiences with others to process energy through my ‘large split’.
I feel my unique tiger-stripes ‘strike legend’ in this post through not just my words but also through the Ai generated art work of this blog post. I am a rather imaginative fellow and let’s just say the Fifth-House Venus in Pisces, in me, found a way to relay this entry as a mystical Aries-Sun-Mountain-Tiger.
As someone who loves tigers and often relates their own identity to being a tiger, I have found one of the most beautiful facts about tigers is that their stripes are always unique, and perhaps this is a part of why it felt effortless to include this theme in the topic of Human Design, which is a divination that celebrates people’s uniqueness on a whole new level of awareness and personally experienced truth.
I also opened this post with a quote about Aries being simple and straightforward which while I relate to the statement, my sharing of this is also to be tasted as my own humour poking fun of myself being rather over the top or perhaps delightfully complicated. It also demonstrates, in a tiger-like fashion, that I am someone who expects to be taken seriously, but not too seriously.
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#humandesignprojector #splenicprojector
#splitdefinition #tribalcircuitry #individualcircuitry
#humandesignsystem #humandesignexperiment
#scorpiomoon #librarising
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BodyGraph and Natal Charts:
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