
Venus - Tropical Astrology & Human Design

The Third-Decan of my Aries-Sun, and the First-Decan of my Libra-Rising know Venus’ energy well.

Amongst many qualities Venus represents reception, love, unity, harmony, passion, influence, and creativity - making Venus the master of projecting attraction. Through my creative writing I feel beautiful in the action and dominance of beholding this energy of Venus, an energy that is often celebrated as fertile and harmonious in its receptive nature. Born out of this creative ceremony is the true aesthetics of life’s art and ritualistic appeal.

A lot of what I have read about Venus’ energy resonates with my passion to be creative. Creativity requires willingness to be vulnerable, and when I have been vulnerable through my expressive writing I have experienced lots of attracted feedback and appreciation.

To be passionate, attractive, and beautiful in who you are is to be deeply vulnerable and mutative. As an artist I know this vast tenderness like the back of my hand.

Venus, Mars, and my North-Node sit in my Fifth-House which is both adorable and alluring in regards to how I express myself, particularly in the Fifth-House themes of fortune, love, and how I seek pleasure!

Venus has a strong reputation for creative expression and brings a joyful play to the quality of a Fifth-House’s legacy; potential creativity.

My ruling planet Mars builds reinforcement to this Fifth-House placement of Venus, with the aspect of being someone who plays through the majesty of their true character, intellect, and force. Aries’ friction derives from such a simple energy of perhaps the ‘all or nothing’ attitude which is rampant within Mars who beholds a tall order of agenda, ruling no ‘in-between’. On the other hand Venus attracts nature’s harmony and senses both sides of the brash Aries-Sun’s planetary rule, and therefore hosts a means to express this creative spectrum of energy with a projection that could appeal to others.

Third-Decan Aries hold significance to Venus’ influence, and my degree of twenty one is considered a warmer serenade of an Aries-Sun placement. I am also born in the evening closer to sunset, so this too perhaps yields the passionate flame that Aries-Sun knows all too well.

After studying my Third-Decan Aries versus descriptions of generalised Aries traits, I’d say the Third-Decan description leaves nothing to the imagination, and is very heartfelt.

My creative writing takes time and feels as simple as having three modalities to the expression of my Sun-Sign, with the latter Third-Decan providing the most natal means to express my cardinal Sun-Sign - verses there being a right or wrong way. Each Decan being a necessary part of my creative writing, rather than ‘one’ specific modality of expression that is ‘better’ maybe more so ‘suited’ to my unique expression.

Mars in the First-Decan of Aries ignites the friction of the material realm to which it is aspiring towards the aesthetics and attraction of Venus in the Third-Decan. The Second-Decan is expressed through the Sun which is the blazing brightness of the expression… the heat of the moment… trailblazing in utter presence with its crackling cackle and burning purr. As if the seed in the egg, the gasp of the first breath… we are led to the life of the lamb, the Third-Decan of Aries - co-ruled by Venus.

By the time we reach this Third-Decan we are familiarised with the incoming Venus-Energy of Taurus season. The bull of Taurus is greeted by a warm glowing ram that has surrendered to it’s own humble capacity of resource. Like a newborn being nurtured by their family at birth, the ram submits to the loving warm glow of Venus. It is here where life sends Taurus to teach Venus’ values to Mars’ lamb, the Astrological Arian-Ram - ‘Aries’.

The Planet Venus sits closer to the Sun than Mars and has a thicker atmosphere. It would be foolish for this Third-Decan of Aries-Sun to think it could burn the bull that is ruled by Venus, teaching the ram to respect the fragility of life. With this degree we find a compassionate Aries-Sun, and one that cares about relationships and others ‘ragingly’. Like the story about ‘burning the bull’ I can parallel this to a means of honouring others, by yielding, respecting, and holding space for them. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable and receptive to others this mutates a deep emotional intelligence that is rejoiced by the nurturing of Venus’ values.

A Third-Decan Aries is not too far different from the other Decans, but referring to my creative writing, perhaps this is the influence of Venus taming the expressive flame of the ‘Flaming Raging Aries’ who I often speak of in my poetry. Aries-Sun are simplistic and in many ways childish in our passion as trailblazers, not always knowing what lies ahead. Perhaps it’s a credit to the Venus energy I have in my Natal-Chart as to why I like to express myself creatively along this path, and that I attract others through unique creative art that is receptive to my own experiences and others.

Exalted Venus in Pisces makes me a Water-Venus placement, this being very emotionally receptive, open, and accommodating of limitless love. It’s very in line with my Third-Decan of Aries, or in Human Design terms the ‘focused and absorbing’ mechanic of the Projector-Aura.

Like to a Projector-Aura being here to guide the other, Venus being passive in many ways requires the other to recognise, attract, fertilise, and be invited to influence as a guide. My energy exchanged in Aura through Venus’ creation is a new beginning, and this energy lives out its own life in others. It is not so much my own ‘self’ energy as it is the mutative transcendence of harmonic creation that is experienced between two or more beings.

Mars being my ruling planet, placed in the Fifth-House, is perhaps aligned with the theme of my Rave-Psychology, and my Sixth Colour-Motivation, ‘Innocence-Motivation’. With this Fifth-House of self expression hosting my ruling planet I am one who is observed by authentically expressing their unique view through creativity that is passive in intent, yet mutative by nature. This Innocence-Motivation comes from my only Aries placement in my Personality-Crystal Consciousness - which is my Sun Gate- The ‘6’ is directly referencing my Sixth Colour-Motivation. I feel synergy in the passive appeal and stimulus of my Innocence-Motivation and my Aries-Sun being coloured by the expression of Venus’ co-rule, in the Third-Decan of Aries.

Venus, like Innocence-Motivation, is considered a very passive energy, and I deeply relate to the citation of the ‘observer observed’ and the native relief I feel in surrendering to this passive passenger’s law of attraction. Venus in Pisces is also considered as imaginative day dreamers which is another aspect packed into my Fifth-House theme of self expression and Rave-Psychology’s observer observed.

I am not someone who benefits anyone to be stuck in the ‘thick of life’ for it will require more members of the tribe to retrieve me when I become the lost lamb. In this sense; I am not one here to judge beauty, but to be beautiful in how I play amongst beauty.

Like a Projector in Human Design, when one can see True-Self beauty in ‘the other’ they can project it back to them enormously, which also correlates with the ‘receptive expression’ of my Venus placements being alike to the recognition a Projector gains by focusing and absorbing an ‘other’s Aura’. New energy is born and created in a Projector’s guidance, and this energy is True-Self wisdom of the other. A Projector-Aura creates this True-Self wisdom of the other by combining the energy of knowledge with the experience of being receptive to the other’s Aura, and then guides by asking the right questions.

Projectors require recognition to be welcomed into this intimate invitation, as a guide. It is a mutual respect and a two way street a lot like attraction. As a Human Design Projector-Aura in my deconditioning experiment of awareness, I am learning that less is more. As an Ego-Defined Projector-Aura I need to deeply respect this energy may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and another reminder of why the invitation and recognition is important for my unique Quantum-Design.

I feel like my Venus placements relating to my expression as Alex The Aries, and signature as a Projector-Aura holds a lot of resonance to my life’s experience of guiding through creative art and expression. Venus has been described as the cologne to our Natal-Chart - which is certainly a sense my Active Mountains-Environment, Splenic-Authority, and Innocence-Motivation can get behind - as they are all driven by ‘smell’ - but seriously, this perfume is an attitude of being receptive and being approachable, which is expressed through my Third-Decan Aries-Sun, Fifth-House Venus in Pisces, First-Decan Libra-Rising, and my Projector-Aura’s focus and absorb mechanic.

A Channel that has been frequent in ‘others in my life’ is the 39-55 Channel of Emoting. Gate-55.6 is activated by Venus, and sits dormant in my Personality-Conscious and my undefined Solar-Plexus-Center. Be it friends, family, peers, or lovers that I have had connections with, I see both of these Gates often. A transit in this Channel often hits me hard, especially in Gate-39 as it feels as if from nowhere I can suddenly perceive my own spirit and moods deeply, which are revealed unexpectedly through the provoking transit of Gate-39.

Gate-55.6 is in the Individual-Circuitry and dubbed as ‘Spiritual Selfishness’ and is where the emotional spirit will awaken. Through the values of Venus in Gate-55.6 I can sense this spiritual selfishness through my creative hobbies as a way to be healthy and feed myself ‘within’ as this maintains the integrity of my Individual-Energy and emotional intelligence. It’s this uniqueness ‘within’ that creates mutative attraction ‘without’ and this echoes in resonance to my previous writing about my Venus placements in this post. Venus activates Gate-55.6 which is all about feeding myself with what feels good, and how this resonates with my own creative expression having cycles of moods being very much a part of how and when I create.

“The 55th Gate is susceptible to the melancholic chemistry of the emotional wave, which is constantly moving through cycles of hope to pain. One moment your cup feels half empty and the next it feels half full. Your mood determines what is correct for you and when. If you are not in the mood to eat, work, make love, be sociable or create, it is not healthy for you to do so. When you feel like being alone, don’t attempt to explain or excuse yourself; simply honour the mood and embrace being in the moment with your own creative inner self. Your most creative time is when you feel deeply melancholic.”

★ Gate 55 - The Definitive Book of Human Design

Melancholy just is. There is nothing wrong with this mood, which could be happy or sad, and beautiful either way. Melancholy is a catalyst of creation, and learning to honour this has been nurturing and freeing for my creativity and experiences with others. This is easier said than done as the Solar-Plexus-Center is a dominant energy of Not-Self when Undefined. Undefined Centres in Human Design are however areas in which we can become wise to, so it’s interesting this Gate-55 also has a lot of respect towards creativity, and the depth of potential creativity gained from spirit awareness’ wisdom. It is also a Dormant-Gate and ‘on brand’ of being a Large Split-Definition Projector, and that this Gate is activated by others.

Invited in, the Sixth-Line of the Gate-55.6 is upon the roof, being able to look out for the potential of greater mutation beyond the nature of what already exists, and by honouring this spiritual selfishness I feast on awareness of spirit through my emotions and I become deeply receptive to others as the passive passenger.

Gate-60.6 is activated by Venus in my Design-Conscious, and is a great roadmap for the Gate-55.6 to become the passive passenger. Once the Personalit-Concious has handed the vehicle’s keys over to its body’s navigation, it can be driven by this pulse of mutation bursting from my loaded Root-Center Gate-60.6 which is a ‘fixed energy’ in the Individual-Circuitry that ‘creates pressure needed for pure energy to mutate into form’.

“Gate 60:

Limitation - The Gate of Acceptance

The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence.”

★ Gate 60 - The Definitive Book Of Human Design

This reverberates a dimension of the story of the Third-Decan Aries ram, who has allowed their body to surrender to the resource and fragility of its own existence, by embracing Venus’ value of nurture. It is the Third-Decan Aries who has surrendered to the bull of Taurus and instead of forcing itself on others learns to receptively hold space, allowing for deep mutation. my Gate-60.6 is one end of a Large Split-Definition in my Human Design Body-Graph, and I strongly relate to the need of others to venture through my Large Split’ and creative work alike. Projectors require the other to see them selves. This unifying need for an ‘other’ is further exemplified by this role modelled hanging Gate-60.6, which is aimed directly at my undefined Sacral-Center, the life force energy.

I enjoyed writing this creative writing post. From my desk where I write, or perhaps out in the garden at night, Venus’ sparkle has been piquing over the neighbouring mountains at me, standing out, shining brightly in obvious glee and happiness. It was fun to explore Venus in the context of my own creative and imaginative investigations, and as a Projector reflect on past interactions of being creative with others. It is through my study of Human Design, Astrology, and experience with other’s in Aura, that I am recognising these things about my own True-Self.

The collective’s weather forecast suggests that since June 5th 2023 Venus has been in Leo and will remain until October 8th.

Leo is considered the best placement for Venus promoting its values in a fun and flamboyant expression, as Leo’s ruling of the Sun always makes it the centre of attention. For my Libra-Rising this will be experienced in the 11th house of networking and friends, experiencing a height of Venus’ values.

Venus is also retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd so there will be deep reconfiguration of Venus’ value systems, and a dramatising of these nuances for all.

Through nurturing a creative outlet of expression for my writing on this Blog, I have given myself a place for my receptive and creative energy to rise to a bed of coals, and gently char’ my passion to a warm glow. I can be a lot sometimes, that I know.

Once again, I had a lot of fun exploring this energy through this post, and this is to introduce a ‘creative writing’ series where I am writing to be vulnerable as a creative writer and flaunt an imaginative expression I often naturally practise. Through this platform I am building foundations as a means to be selfish in my creativity and feed myself through this expression. I hope readers were able to exercise discernment of my words and appreciate the imaginative musings. I will sign off with a blurb from my ‘RAR Subscription’ welcome email which you can Subscribe to below, which is the best way to support me on this platform as a Canadian content creator.

“The Blog is to the Podcast what the moon is to the earth. Orbiting within the Podcast’s gravity it is relative to the existence but not always the prominent character. The underrated sidekick - who undoubtedly plays it’s part - as if the salt to the dish that’s rarely specified to the credit of the flavour of the meal.”

★ Acoustic Mutation Subscription - Welcome


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