Projector Aura - Love Yourself
“There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding and extending outward from every living thing. In the case of human beings, that field extends about two arm lengths in every direction from the body. Auric connectivity is a powerful and non-verbal form of communication that can not be ignored.”
★ The Four Aura Types - The Definitive Book of Human Design
In the Definitive Book of Human Design there are four auras of humans that are hypothesized by the founder Alan Krakower - also known as Ra Uru Hu. These four Aura-Types are known as: Reflector-Aura, Manifestor-Aura, Generator-Aura, and Projector-Aura. Respectably the Manifesting-Generator-Aura seems to be considered as a Generator-Aura, while still uniquely distinguishable.
Each Aura-Type has a signature axis being: Reflector-Aura ‘Disappointment/Surprise’ Manifestor-Aura ‘Anger/Peace’ Projector-Aura ‘Bitterness/Success’ and Generator-Aura ‘Frustration/Satisfaction’.
Through observing and experimenting with this vocabulary of the Human Design system, I find that I am often capable of detecting these signatures in other people’s auric field. Seemingly, it’s as if there is no choice to these patterns of energetic display and that this is something I want to share and explore further throughout my content.
No choice is a subject in Human Design to which in the value of my own personal experiment I sense, understand, and respect as a mechanic of an Aura-Type.
In my experience of the term ‘no choice’ as an isolated mantra it feels like a shadow without a being, and in focus just a portion of the total, and so rather in the pursuit and spirit of my True-Self I have experienced this enthusiastically as: ‘there is no choice but to love yourself’ which is a strong message when the two are in a quantum-totality - maintaining ‘love yourself’ as the conscious awareness.
The phrase ‘There is no choice but to love yourself’ - as a combination of ‘no choice’ and ‘love yourself’ - also resonates with a distinguishing observation and theme of the Human Design system which is the awareness to the ‘sum of our parts’ of both our conscious and unconscious, and that our Design-Unconscious and our Personality-Conscious are tallied as one total, our True-Self, and when combined giving us the entire blueprint and road map of our life and being - our Human Design.
Human Design teaches that our Design-Unconscious is the genetic nature of the body and being’s unconscious, which is inherited from our genetics, and is what the personality will live in. The Personality-Conscious is similar to that of our soul or personality and more distinguishably, how we relate to ourselves, our consciousness. It is the combination of both the Design-Unconscious and the Personality-Conscious that make up our Human Design BodyGraph and therefore outlines our Aura-Type.
Our BodyGraph reveals our True-Self energy and auric-field, which in my personal experiment of the Human Design system has deepened the love that I behold for my natural energy, as Human Design has provided me with a vocabulary to discern this energy - in not just myself - but in those around me. This awareness of the Human Design knowledge allows me to see these Aura-Type mechanics for myself and experience my personal truth as a witness. This observation of Aura-Type mechanics has become a part of my life, and very much a part of my own Human Design experiment. Past my ink, and in the movie of my life, the language of a Human Design Aura-Types speak loud and clear, and why I want to share and explore further.
Human Design is something I practice discernment towards frequently and often the more I reject Human Design, the script that plays out before me becomes even harder to ignore, and I find myself only deeper in the experiment for practicing discernment. Once I knew of the signposts to look for in an Aura-Type, I began to see these mechanics of an aura, which seems to inhabit the nature of its being. To my understanding and experience, Human Design is not a belief system, and rather it is about the unique aura mechanics of human beings.
“The human design system is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is neither stories nor philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a mapping of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature, in such depth is obviously profound, because it reveals our complete nature and all its subtleties. Human Design opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding.”
★ Ra Uru Hu - The Definitive Book of Human Design
Human Design has become a powerful awareness to me, as it allows me to remain authentically in my True-Self energy, and in this way is liberating in making decisions for myself, particularly when amongst other people because it allows me to be assertive in a manner that respects my own unique energy. Rather than getting lost inward, in other people’s energy, which is something unaware Projector-Auras are said to suffer from - I can now use other’s energy to scope outward - and examine in real time the literature of Human Design in people’s energy and how this could be influencing me.
In my experiment this is all to be seen in the signatures of an aura, or Aura-Type as I am learning. I’ve written pretty deep podcast show notes about this topic and how this mechanic shows up in my life and Human Design experiment, because this indicator really feels like the signpost that the passenger looks out for in other people’s aura. It’s an auric signature of the other - and seemingly a result of their aura mechanics.
In order to make for some deeper personal insights and shares, in this blog post, I want to break down some of the insights that I have studied about the mechanics of the Projector-Aura.
As theorised the mechanic of the Projector-Aura is to ‘focus and absorb’ other people’s aura. Projector-Auras have no choice but to absorb conditioning from others as they are actually designed to take in this conditioning, which is a foundational distinction of a Projector-Aura, from the other three Aura-Types.
The focus of this Projector-Aura mechanic is on the other’s G-Center which is where the theorized Magnetic-Monopole aka ‘the driver’ sits in a theme of love, identity, and direction.
“The G-Center’s strategic position illuminates its importance in the mandala and in our life. It illustrates how the cosmic/planetary influences revolve around this center, while the magnetic monopole with it draws toward us what is specifically ours (by Definition) to experience over the course of our lifetime. We are designed to live that love which is attracted to us, beginning with loving ourselves.”
★ The G Center - The Definitive Book of Human Design
In my experiment, this love is an energy that attracts energy to us, and in my experience part of why the Magnetic-Monopole is theorized as a frequency that pulls energy towards us - like that of love, or a positive vibration attracting good energy.
In Human Design the Magnetic-Monopole is theorised alongside the ‘Crystals of Consciousness’ consisting of two unique cuts of a Design-Unconscious-Crystal and a Personality-Conscious-Crystal, to which is a hallmark detail of the Human Design system, traditionally represented by a black Personality-Conscious and a red Design-Unconscious.
The Magnetic-Monopole holds these two aspects of the Personality-Conscious and the Design-Unconscious together from the wheelhouse mandala of the G-Center. When a Projector-Aura is in a one to one focus of another person, this energetic exchange becomes absorbed as if; a film-like-real by the Projector-Aura, which is then projected by the Projector-Aura’s focused-lens-like-eye of questions. The Projector-Aura’s focus on the other is of love, identity, and the direction of their driver at the seat of the G-Center.
As a Projector-Aura I sense this absorption and focus on other people’s energy and it does feel as if ‘there is no choice’ so it has been vitalising to explore the love of myself, as for who I am, and experiment with working with this mechanic of my aura. Seemingly unaware Projector-Auras can get lost in other people’s energy because of this absorbing focus that is mechanical, something which I have a lot of lived experience to look back on and relate to.
In my experience and observation, without awareness Projector-Aura’s will become this ‘other’s energy’ if they think it is their own, and therefore have no choice but to be aware of this mechanic and understand that when this energy is respected, as not their own energy to operate from, it can quench True-Self wisdom of both themselves and of others.
By focusing and absorbing this conditioning of someone else’s energy the Projector-Aura can see where the other person’s driver wants to go. It’s like the writing is on the wall or they know the script to one’s True-Self energy.
The Projector-Aura asks questions about the other, in a personal manner. The personal answer and truth of the person being guided, present an awareness of personal truth that allows them to step higher into the peak of their own unique signature and True-Self energy. For this reason Projector-Auras are considered to be guides of others in the manner in which they focus in-on people when interacting with them, as this is the mechanic of their aura - to focus and absorb others energy.
In my experiment I see this guidance being situated in the other person’s answer and truth of the question - their authentic True-Self energy. What I have experienced is that ‘questions’ are how a Projector-Aura learns about the other’s experience and that these questions open up a personal door for the other person. This door is an opportunity to explore a personal truth, and regardless of what is said in the moment this truth lives in the trust of the True-Self - of the person who is being guided by the Projector-Aura.
I have been experimenting with this as the idea that this ‘guidance’ does not mean that Projector-Auras advise or tell people what to do, but rather ask questions with pure intent to focus on the other person - and about the current plot of the other’s life to whom they are in focus.
“Projectors are the only personable beings we have…”
★ Projector Bitterness to Success - Ra Uru Hu
When Ra Uru Hu said ‘Projectors are the only personal beings we have’ I feel he is not disregarding others as being inconsiderate, uncompassionate, or unaware of others - but rather by mechanic - the Projector-Aura is designed to focus and absorb the other person’s aura - and in this sense it is always personal, and Projector-Aura’s are designed to be this way as a unique function and mechanic of the Projector-Aura.
Perhaps this is why it is important that the Projector-Aura is recognised and invited in via another to provide this sort of one to one guidance and focus as they are dealing with very personal themes of love, identity, and the trajectory of someone else’s aura, and with out an invite this will not be appreciated as guidance.
Once recognised and invited in, it is taught that ‘the question’ is the true potential of a Projector-Aura’s guidance, as this will open doors to the other person’s own truth of self - their True-Self. There is to be nothing the Projector-Aura is to gain from what the answer or truth may be. This is very important. The answer is dependent on the other, and the question is formulated by the Projector-Aura’s ability to recognise True-Self in others, taking interest and focusing in on these truths.
In my experience this truth of the other is perhaps not to be seen as a ‘Blockbuster’ or ‘Bollywood’ or say ‘Six Figure Business Hack’ but rather as an energetic success of recognising a unique aura’s frequency and signature, as there are no guarantees of marketed fame in any of the Human Design system teachings - that being there is no guarantee that you will be measured in the minds of others as anything successful, peaceful, satisfied, or even surprised, but rather that you will learn to love yourself in a way that flips the script on the distortion of your experienced societal conditioning.
Human Design awareness allows YOU to explore the height of your unique auric-signature.
It is well said that you may or may not live this out regardless of following or studying Human Design or not, and this is why Strategy and Authority is so strongly taught in Human Design as this leads us away from our social energetic conditioning and in tune with our True-Self energy. In theory, by fortifying our being within our own unique truth, we attract an authentic geometry to our own celestial body.
In my experiment of Human Design, the times when I have not followed my Strategy and Authority has been just as valuable as following it, and when I can recognise that energetically I am in the wrong exchanges or around the wrong people - awareness of my True-Self energy has really filtered the level of bitterness that I experience in these situations, as well as helped me make decisions out of these experiences.
After all, I am still in many seven year cycles of Not-Self decisions, and still experimenting with my own understanding through experience.
I can see from my personal experience, when unaware of Human Design this social conditioning we experience in life hides this personal truth from us, and actively suppresses it through continual behaviour patterns that we develop from this social conditioning of other people’s auras, and why awareness of Human Design is so empowering to individuate from other’s energy.
In reflection of the energy of the theorised Magnetic-Monopole drawing into us what is ours by our Human Design Definition - when we live by our True-Self energy… In my Human Design experiment this is presented to me when I surrender the process of trying to mentally manifest things in my life and rather learn how to interact with the manifestations that are already all around me, making decisions from a place of self love first, absent of decisions of my mind’s authority and other’s energy.
The mind always tries to take over, the Not-Self never goes away, and the Projector-Aura can see past this in other people and help guide them. By focusing and absorbing their energy they can sense where their driver of True-Self energy wants to actually go, and by asking questions about the other person the Projector-Aura can align them to this perception of truth and self love within them.
“Think about what a projector does as a type. A projector is a non energy type and has the gift of managing the energy of the energy types. Once a projector is recognized, it can put this gift to work.”
★ 28-38 Channel Of Struggle - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry
It is taught that the Projector-Aura is a Non-Energy-Type, and are here to be recognized and invited in as one to one guides for the Energy-Types. As a Non-Energy-Type they can not instigate this guidance, and it will often be through their knowledge of systems that will instigate recognition of their True-Self energy, as well as part of how they understand and interact with others.
Mastering systems is part of how Projector-Auras ‘master’ their own world and how they relate to the experience of others - it’s the energy they live off of - the mastery of knowledge takes time and success is not a signature born overnight, nor is it a frequency alike to the fast pace life of the Energy-Type Auras.
Mastering knowledge would seem to me the slow burn pace to which Projector-Aura’s move through life at.
“Projector’s get their energy from knowledge.”
★ Bitterness to Success Talk - Ra Uru Hu
As said, Projector-Auras, being Non-Energy-Types, get their energy from knowledge. This knowledge is often of systems that allow them to understand people on a deeper level, and in my lived experiment see this knowledge of systems as anything from gardening to making music, or playing video games, being a parent, sewing, cooking, plumbing, gas fitting, or say - even - writing. I feel the subject matter of the knowledge is not so much a direct vocabulary of the guidance a Projector-Aura provides, while it certainly can be - but deeper still - a microcosm of an energetic system to process the practice of another person, and in particular focus in on how to optimise the other person’s True-Self system of energy.
It would seem to me when aligning to our geometry and making decisions from our True-Self that the knowledge of the Projector-Aura is only so relevant to the guidance they provide - and more so how a Projector-Aura would interact with others mechanically while they are focusing and absorbing in on someone else’s auric field. When they are in aura with another person it is this knowledge modality from which they ask questions to learn about the other’s experience, and these questions hold wisdom of truths to the other.
“Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom”
★ Wisdom - Alex The Aries
Through my study and experiment of the knowledge and system of Human Design, I have a greater awareness and respect to the mechanics of my True-Self energy, and Projector-Aura, which has radically transformed my ability to love myself, and how I am planting my energy for future seasons by really allowing myself to live in every moment and follow my Splenic-Authority.
I have paid a lot more attention to the relationships in my life and how people interact with me, and I with them. Bitterness has been painful in my life as I am so keen to ‘plug in’ to other people, and in one bump of my aura seem to be sucked into their world. Through discernment and my personal experiment I explore if there is any choice to absorb the energy of others or not, which as a long self confessed empath, I have always felt some level of awareness to onboarding peoples energy throughout my life.
Rather than existing in influence of this conditioned energy from other people, I am choosing to learn from this energy. It feels better this way to be aware of how to process and defuse this energy at the end of a day, learning from what does and does not serve me, or rather when invited in - how this energy can be utilised when recognised to guide.
In this blog post I begin to find a deeper understanding of the strategy of a Projector-Aura ‘Wait for the invitation’ by developing my understanding of the relationship between the Magnetic-Monopole and the G-Center, and in particular the G-Center’s themes of love, Identity, and direction.
In understanding the Magnetic-Monopole theory as love, and that the Magnetic-Monopole attracts to us what is ours by definition, meaning our True-Self energy, we can understand the geometry of an invitation is from life, and that this invitation comes via another, from life, when we align with this geometry. The invitation is already there, we just have to live in alignment of our own True-Self.
As a ‘61-24’ myself, I really enjoyed reading this quote about the 61-24 Channel Of Awareness as it talks about the channel being a Projector-Channel and compares the invite to the ‘integration process’ or ‘thinking’ in a way that I see as geometry.
“Just as we are invited to life through the integration process, these people are invited specifically to think. Here lies one of the beautiful things about understanding the real nature of invitation. A projector is not waiting for an invitation from a person. They are waiting for the invitation coming via a person. It is an invitation to engage in life through the mental process of being an individual. The moment one realizes that that invitation is something that is simply there anyway, one can give up having to do something about it. This channel is not about trying to use one’s thoughts to get anything or anywhere. It is just about recognizing that knowing happens in its own time.”
★ 61-24 Channel Of Awareness - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry
This ‘directly themes’ into the ‘direction’ of the G-Center, speaking to the blueprint and geometry of our natal energy, and that perhaps the invitation for a Projector-Aura comes from life, via another when aligned to their True-Self energy.
As far as I can see - ‘identity’ - in the invitation - plays out through the focus and absorbing of another person’s aura. It is recommended that Projector-Auras are to not look inward for self truth but rather outward with awareness to the energy they have absorbed from others. Here it is said that they can see the True-Self wisdom of the other person, as well as aspects of their own True-Self.
While what I am about to share is not theorised in Human Design - to my knowledge - but, perhaps, this ‘self aspect’ of the Projector-Aura looking outward is the grandiose value of an invite for a Projector-Aura, which is a focus on a personal truth (about themselves) that requires the other to be seen. The ‘other’ is the general theme of the Projector-Aura which in part is due to being a Non-Energy-Type, requiring recognition to take part in someone’s life.
Seemingly - from what I have seen - Projector-Auras can be the most distorted in their auric being, and I am finding that sometimes the signposts are hard to sense in the Projector-Aura as they have no choice of the conditioning they absorb, so without awareness they are likely to be acting in this Not-Self energy - at least in short focuses this can be hard to measure. Seemingly acting as if they have a Sacral-Center definition, leads to burn out, and my own Human Design invitation came to me in a time of such a professional and life burn out.
Now, entering my third year of deconditioning and experimenting, I am starting to sense an equalisation of this burn out which still rolled rampantly downhill in the first few years of my Human Design experiment.
The process of deconditioning for a Projector-Aura is said to be seven years, and the ultimate goal being to reach a place in their life where being a Non-Energy-Type is no longer an issue.
“Most people want a quick fix or quick answers to their problems. This is profound knowledge and it requires awareness, experimentation, self-reflection and time. The Human Design system gives you the keys but it’s up to you to use the tools it provides. This is the user manual for your life but you have to jump in, turn the key, and discover for yourself. The Magic is in the experience.”
★ Lynda Bunnell - The Definitive Book of Human Design
My downward spiral and Projector-Aura burnout that I was experiencing at the time of being invited into the awareness of Human Design did not ‘magically’ change this trajectory and distortion of Not-Self that I had been living in, as some could portray or expect from such a system as Human Design. In fact in my experience, as I continued to study and practice awareness of the Human Design system this burnout continued to snowball down, and recently reached the bottom and crashed into a big mess.
Only now have I managed to pick myself up from this energy and feel relatively unharmed from this avalanche, which I can only attribute to awareness of my True-Self that Human Design has allowed me to see in a new light. Had I been living in the ego of my mind when this all ‘went down hill’ I’d have struggled to get back up - being lost in some nonsense that is not me - acting in a manner that doesn’t love myself first.
“In essence, if you gain everything but lose your Self, then you have gained nothing. And if you lose everything but gain your Self, then you have lost nothing.”
★ Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati - Nāda Yoga
I opened this blog entry by exploring that there is no choice to aura mechanics, specific to Human Design Aura-Types, and focused on this from the eye of a Projector-Aura.
In the higher clouds of this blog post I would also say my awareness of ‘no choice but to love yourself’ sees this as a helpless-geometry of love.
Thank You!
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#humandesignprojector #humandesignsystem #splenicprojector
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Timur Weber
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Farhad Ibrahimzad
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Timur Weber
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Timur Weber
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Markus Spiske
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Valeria Boltneva
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Elina Sazonova
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Bich Tran
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Roman Odintsov
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Tatiana Syrikova