
Chart Study - Randall Carlson

Randall’s Birth Data:

26th March 1951, West Seattle General Hospital, King, USA - Washington.

No verified birth time.

Alex’s Hypothesis:

Post-data analysis, I guestimate that Randall Carlson is a 3/5 Profile, Splenic-Authority, Energy Projector-Aura with the Right-Angle-Cross of Service. Channel of Judgement 18-58, Channel of Abstraction 64-47, with a Large-Split-Definition. 

I expect his birth time to be between 21:58 & 23:54 which makes him a Scorpio-Rising, Aries-Sun, Scorpio-Moon. Gate-64 is activated from 21:58 which was my primary observation and rationale to this time, as well as the Profile of the 3/5.

Randall’s Internet Blurb: 

Randall Carlson is a master builder, architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer, renegade scholar… and more’

Randall’s Alex Blurb: 

“Randall has an excellent mind with humble intentions and very pioneering theories that hold not only strong compelling evidence and topic detail, but also epic site surveillance as he is a master in his ‘field’ and really ‘walks the walk’ in this regard. He uses his abilities to take on theories that he does not agree with or feels there is another answer for, often referring to ancient cultures and accounts of past civilisations to gain these vantages within his theories.”

“This is the way we try to understand ancient societies. We read 12 statues and fill in the rest.”

64-47 Channel Of Abstract - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

Much of Randall’s livelihood includes tours of sites that resemble snapshots of our forgotten past.

He now makes a living off of various avenues and these include but are not limited to: site tours, books, teaching, video content, seminars, and of course - his Podcast Kosmographia.

He is also involved in a platform called HowTube which is an education based platform, as well as now launching his own recent project called the ‘RC Project’ which is a plan to build an alternate educational center, addressing the current issues with traditional western education by attempting to build a unique resort & village. This will of course be designed and led by Randall, in an attempt to re-invigorate humanity by creating an environment rich with raw materials needed for both personal-social expansion and transformation.

The Randall Carlson Project: A call to rekindle the traditional modes of learning. Informed by sacred geometry. To enliven purpose, cultivate community, and create innovative educational experiences. By utilizing ancient wisdom & evolving technologies.

Project.randallcarlson.com - About

The project seems to be an ensemble of his life’s work, and that he is more so known to me for studying ancient civilizations but I really like the idea of this project, not just for its face value and alternate educational options, spas and well being orient, but because of Randall himself.

I have always been a fan of his teachings and lectures, as well as his personality and attitude. I really want to get into his sacred geometry casts, as well as his Atlantis series. I bet he has some deep insights into the number 64 for example, and any time I have found myself hearing Randall list off sacred numbers or cosmic cycles, I am always so impressed by his perspective and insights, if not his ability to retain information then how he shares it.

It would seem Randall and myself would align in some significant Astrological aspects of one another and maybe why I appreciate his temperament as he is an Aries-Sun man, and Scorpio-Moon, just like me. In Human Design terms we are also both Large-Split-Definition, Splenic-Authority, Projector-Auras… (Large-Split-Definition providing he was born between 10pm and midnight).

3/5 Profiles always hold an Unconscious-Design, Fifth-Line projection of a Heretic and we see in theme that Randall is very dominant in Fifth-Line Gate activations - and when viewing the Line Counter provided by Bcurio.us - a count of 10 in the final minutes of the day, and in the last two hours of the day it starts at a count of 9.

I am seeing a very alluring pattern with 3/5 Profiles in charts that I come across and of auras that I experience and perhaps this is because of the combination of the material body aspect of the Personality-Conscious, Third-Line, in addition to the projected saviour’s field of the Design-Unconscious, Fifth-Line.

Speaking for myself of course this is an energy I often feel a lot of interest towards individuals whether it is astrologers, sports stars, neighbours, or politicians, and that I do see this in society also that the 3/5 Profile seem to make for such distinct characters. The Third-Line is responsible for evolution and therefore mutations within society, we find progress here, where as the Fifth-Line is of a universal manner often to seek out things that are broken with the intent of fixing them. Often I await these three-five-folks to arrive at the podium of their practice, to tell us about what they have found or bumped into. The Fifth-Line is also said to have a seductive quality to it that is either a hit or a miss, but nonetheless unavoidable in its projection. If it’s not the projection of a general saving the day, there is something about these beings that we crave to observe for their revolutionary updates. It is also likely Randall experiences and relates to being criticised for his work, frequently, which is the candid character of the Third-Line ‘martyr’ - which is sometimes preferably called the ‘experimenter’ - as typically society associate the word martyr to death, rebellion, violence, or tragedy, and or there is some level of anti-intent, if not religious association, and that the martyr of the Third-Line is one who loses their life for standing up for their values.

Looking now at his Astrology Natal-Chart I see at 21:58 he would be a Scorpio-Rising, which changes at 23:54 to being a Sagittarius-Rising. I would perhaps lean into the Scorpio-Rising if not for my personal experiences of Scorpio-Risings but also because it makes that Fifth-House Aries all the more tempting of an outcome that would suit to his Martian mannerisms and energy being an: Aries-Sun, Scorpio-Moon, and… Scorpio-Rising? This would have his ruling planet Mars, in its Aries zodiac sign, Fifth-House of self expression, while also alongside, Sun, Mercury, and Fortune placements… Giving an energy like the 18-58 Channel Of Judgement, that extra flavour of Mars’ discretionary bias.

In Human Design Randall has an Open-Throat-Center, which the amplification of this feels in themes to having a Fifth-House Aries Mars, Sun, Mercury, & Fortune, which is the house of self expression coming from the Fifth-House, and to have Mercury here combined with Fortune, Sun, and Mars in the same House and Zodiac, just feels like potential for a vocal expression and theme. These are also very personal placements.

An Open-Throat-Center didn’t exactly jump out at me as Randall but I had not really read into this as an Open-Center. In the Definitive Book of Human Design it says that the Open Throat-Center is the most rare of outcomes as the Throat-Center has the most amount of gates, with 11 in total. Having read into the Throat-Center through the Definitive’ and writing this post, I could see how he would have the discretion to know who is speaking authentically and who is not - if - he was following his intuition awareness and therefore Splenic-Authority. In his life’s work of discerning past accounts it would be important for his research to be able to filter people like this or which ‘voices’ to follow his research further with. He recites a lot of Plato or other historical figures and is quite selective with this type of sharing to ensure he can provide greater context and detail to the literature that he studies.

“Once they are comfortable with the flexibility and unpredictability of their speaking, and confident in their authority’s guidance, the considerable wisdom potential of this center emerges. Among other things, they will know who articulates well and who is speaking authenticity from their own journey.”

★ Open Throat Center - The Definitive Book of Human Design

When invited in and practicing his own discernment his voice beholds an ability to amplify this energy of others, and then where such a heavy hitting Fifth-House could deliver in such pioneering might. It totally makes sense why I jive with his vibe and why he works so well in ‘conference’ as an Aries-Sun man, which him being an Aries-Sun was something I hadn’t clued into at all while writing this blog post, over a year ago now.

Honestly I didn’t intend for this to become another Aries-Festival of cherry picked riff raff, but here we are.

Through recognition and an invitation I am on a journey to bring my own voice into the work of podcasting, poetry, ceremony and conferencing. As a young child I really enjoyed this also, and I can see now through other’s where this has become a means of seeking attention with myself with an Undefined-Throat-Center, and therefor how important recognition of Alex is for such an invite to energetically resonate. I do feel like this style of conference-play is suited for the assertive chatterbox Aries-Sun man. The founder of Human Design Ra Uru Hu being another example of an Aries-Sun who enjoyed waffling on stage about this and that. Eddie Murphy is another fiery example of Aries enthusiasm, who can stomp around a stage in an all Aries-Red suit, and archetype the rampant ranting ram man with terrific splendour and endearment. Eddie’s voice actor performance of Donkey in the film Shrek is so real, even though it is portrayed in a cartoon, and I feel this is because they really allowed Eddie to be his own energy in the character, which is mainly captured by his voice and youthful Aries adorableness. Randall suits this sauntering stage storytelling role too, as he rambles on and on and on with bellowing character.

“Despite his shocking forwardness, the ram can also be the epitome of social grace. He can converse for hours in an exciting, interesting manner on subjects he knows absolutely nothing about.”

How To Recognize An Aries - Linda Goodman Sun Signs

I find Randall’s work fascinating and moments of absolute gold can be found in his podcast episodes where Randall is the only one talking for significant amounts of time. I bet his site tours are such a blast. His talks that I have heard on sacred geometry, Atlantis and cosmic cycles - are outstanding. He really keeps the Atlantis theory alive in such a broad context and brings so much Aries romance to it alongside mainstream science and independent inclinations and research. When you can get past his awkward social presence or understand the limits of a Splenic-Authority Projector-Aura to dominate a conversation’s energy, and invite his voice in from recognition, you can sit in and enjoy his humble geeky windshield of perspective. In Randall’s seat you really find a character who is home, confident, comfortable, assertive, and humble, who like most Aries-Sun men would be happy to speak until they fall asleep, only if you let them.

“Have you recently met an unusually friendly person with a forceful manner, a firm handclasp and an instant smile? Get ready for a dizzy dash around the mulberry bush. You’ve probably just been adopted by an Aries. Especially if you found it a little tough to take the lead in the conversation.”

How To Recognize An Aries - Linda Goodman Sun Signs

A lot of Randall’s work develops in the capture and focus of the Younger Dryas window, using mainstream data to indicate the fatal jumps in degrees that seemingly happened out of ‘nowhere’ and changed the face of the earth forever - almost 12,000 years ago. This then becomes a running hypothesis of a series of comets or asteroids striking, perhaps, the earth’s ocean, causing the earth’s atmosphere to change in one brutal instance for many lifetimes to come. The example of the ocean being used to explain the lack of presence of an impact crater, and that in theory this would thrust water up into the atmosphere changing it’s stability and or norm, drastically, amongst many other outcomes we have a situation that is categorised as a chain reaction of cataclysmic events and dangerous threat to species alive at this time.

Epic floods being one side of this coin, with the earth engulfed in flames and fury on the other.

This era of Younger Dryas lines up between 12,000 and 11,000 years ago. Its story is embedded in mainstream science from well documented ice core samples, that tell us of wild temperature fluctuations occurring in the climates core temperature. This happened almost immediately - like the flick of a switch - and for no short sprint of history.

It’s easy to hear something like this and think humans were not influenced by this… however humans experienced this, and Randall goes deeper into this history, from many different perspectives.

One observation he had taken of the floods that occurred during this time was an aerial perspective of the vast Scablands where he shows indisputable evidence carved into the landscape of-and-by colossal sized floods. I’ve heard him describe it like the ripples we see on a sandbar or a beach shoreline, an imprint left behind from a wave, and that in a gigantic flood - water would behave in just this way, and that we can still see this on the land today. After covering the lands, the water like a wave will begin returning to where it came, stroking the land back with its hand after it has pulled everything along in one long watery tumbling grasp. The tips of it’s reach raking the temporary ocean bed while protruding into distributing its mass elsewhere.

When one takes a moment to listen to Randall’s modalities of restoration, the ripples left behind on such a vast land really magnify the universal stories of great-floods that echo around human history.

Randall also has a great balance of mainstream science and ‘the peoples account’ and if not into records, he’s on the land making the observations.

He can read between the lines of various sources and draw out the most compelling synergy that points towards a greater potential truth, he is not afraid to challenge a narrative, and this is why his brave work becomes so fascinating.

In episode 80 of his podcast, Kosmographia, Randall shares accounts from the survivors of the firestorms that happened in Michigan 1871, where they speak of the land being on fire, with the flames being so big that they are jumping over forests in one lick of its might, and therefore in this episode he shares the struggle of those alive during this moment from surviving witness accounts, who for many of their kin, the last moments of their lives.

The podcast episodes and series on firestorms is quite EPIC, and a great example of how deeply into ‘the people’s narrative’ he dives using relatively unheard of witness accounts across many folks.

 He’s a hard person to criticise on his theories as he is so learned on his subjects, and often can mathematically, scientifically, geographically, or historically ‘school’ people on his perspective. Not to say he is always correct, but his sword is well sharpened.


His pairing with fellow Projector-Aura Graham Hancock has filled in many gaps to one another's work, as well as reinforcing their hypothesis particularly around the Younger Dryas period and theorised cataclysms of a global phenomenon. When teamed up with Graham they really align in their life’s work and make for a fascinating pair of humans.

(Looks like I spelt Randall’s name wrong on this one forgetting the ‘double-L’ at the end of his name, but alas MyBodyGraph has updated its ‘look’ and so this classic style is now an antique of Human Design history.)

Teaming up with Joe Rogan and appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast put Randall and Graham into the spotlight as a team, which they still credit to this day, as the number one reason people know about them or ‘recognize’ them.

I find it a great observation seeing an aspect of myself, in Randall, as a fellow Splenic-Authority, Projector-Aura, when we see him in the room and conversation with Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock, a Sacral-Authority Generator-Aura and Emotional-Authority Projector-Aura. In the hierarchy of Human Design Authorities, energetically he is often drowned out by the Sacral Buzz’ frequency and the Emotional-Wave’s spirit, of Joe and Graham, and is often re-invited into the conversation by them both. It is a good indication they both genuinely recognise him, and perhaps consciously note his quiet aura in comparison to their own. I have made it important to be hyper aware of this hierarchy when making decisions amongst others, as it requires great awareness of my True-Self energy being around both Sacral-Authority, and Emotional-Authority beings as my energy can be overpowered if not completely aware. In the long format conversations that Joe Rogan hosts, we witness this play out a lot, often with Graham consuming most of the conversation between the three, having the highest dominance of an Emotional-Authority.

It’s cool to see a Generator-Aura such as Joe Rogan responding, recognizing, and inviting two Projector-Aura’s into success in this way, and makes me wonder how many other Projector-Aura’s Joe has shown us through his Joe Rogan Experience podcast. The 1-2-1 episodes with Graham or Randall are more fluent in how topics are covered but both episodes where they appear as a pair are ‘classic JRE Podcast’ moments. This podcast studio alliance is a good example of the power of being in aura versus knowing an aura, or working with an aura remotely.

It is also compelling to see that all three of them would have the channel of 64-47 Channel of Abstraction.

So let’s look at the chart insights into potential accuracy of Randall’s birth time, through the focus of his BodyGraph chart. For Graham and Joe I used internet verifications which were relatively average in birth data verification.

Focusing on Mr Carlson, from 00:00 the chart reads 2/4 Profile, until about 19:00 then becomes a 2/5, and shortly after a 3/5 for the last two hours of the day. He has the Right-Angle-Cross of Service all day long.

The first and most wild observation would be that for the first 9 minutes of the day he would be a Generator, and he remains a fellow Splenic-Authority Energy-Projector throughout my 23 checks of ‘HH : MM’ and one check at 23:59. Certainly I do not want to dismiss this Sacral-Center potential, especially to some one dubbed as a ‘master builder’ I just sense an alikeness of aura between Randall and Graham, and while, for sure a 2/4 or 2/5 Profile could equally fit a close inspection of Randall, I feel like the 3/5 Profile is exemplified in my recent discover of his Project Randall Carlson, Project RC, where he is calling for an alternative modality to education that is aligned and attributed to intrinsically ancient values that are ignored in not only the modern education system but by the majority of society. A very simple foundation of the project being ‘informed’ by sacred geometry. He’s telling us there is something wrong with how we are learning and that there is tremendous value in re-evaluating ancient and modern modalities to venture a healthier outlook for society.

In this post I have stuck to the hypothesis that I made of him being a Projector-Aura, and while there is only a 9 minute window for a Generator-Aura I feel this is something I could better discern when in aura with Randall and myself, and that energetically my stronger inclination wants to say we are an energetic match in terms of Splenic-Authority, and likely both Large-Split-Definition Projector-Auras.

It is so refreshing to be able to look at 24 hours of birth data in just a few clicks on Bcurio.us. Birth Time is critical data when looking at natal charts, and Randall’s chart data is another good reminder of this. I have found the Bcurio day search tool to be great at discerning birth time.

I am far from a professional at reading Human Design charts, but I really enjoy it, and through Human Design’s vocabulary I have made very accurate pre data observations of people I live amongst in peer-hood, or even media.

My go to for chart rectification is to use the 24 hour Bcurio.us ‘day search tool’ - scan the outcomes, Sacral-Center first, then troubleshooting Aura-Type from this observation of Sacral-Center.

I then weigh up all of the Aura, Profile, Authority and Definition outcomes before I take a look at the Moon-Gate activation in their Personality-Conscious, as this can sometimes change in a day and be an easy clue, and then I will flip a few inclinations of certain outcomes into Astrology, to observe the potential Rising-Zodiac outcomes, as well as astrological placements from that anchor, and observe whether it suits an overall theme that is parallel to their chart(s), and life work. Then I sprinkle in a little Alex-Wisdom say: both my parents are Scorpio-Risings, therefore I sense this energy. And like that, the investigator retires for a resting nap.

I have not dived into incarnation crosses all to much, which would also sometimes be a factor to rectify birth time, but in my recent study of eclipses I believe the Nodes in Astrology are related to the lunar cycles, and or reincarnation, and with in cycles of eclipses, and this is an avenue I may find myself studying in soon. I enjoy the cross over of Astrology Natal Chart and Human Design BodyGraph as both offer inspiring insights to an occurring theme that I am often seeking out in comparison to the aura in question.

As I said the Bcurio’ ‘Day Search Tool’ offers a 24 hour chart run, which gives us 9 chart overviews, as seen above. Similarly we can take a closer look at all the three hour increments of the day.

Below we see the activation of the Gate-64, as well as a Profile change happening between 21:00 - 23:59.

Listening to him speak, I think he would find a good chuckle at his 18-58 Channel Of Judgement being his most consistent channel of energy throughout the entire day. Simply just for the word ‘Judgement’ I could hear him making some endearing deep felt joke about it, but also the deeper context of the energy is for sure his kick in life.

The 18/58, the Channel Of Judgement, is the root of the art of mastery. It feeds the 16/48, the Channel of Talent with its particular quality of creativity. The 58th and the 52nd gate are the only adrenaline gates that are related to the logic process. They are opposite each other in the wheel. The 58th gate is the energy to correct and to challenge. The 18th gate is about the capacity to challenge authority and recognize when correction is necessary. The whole process of the 18/58 is to bring judgement. That is its nature. This judgement will only come when there is something to be dissatisfied with. Unfortunately, for those who have to deal with these people, there is always something to be dissatisfied with! They are always finding something that needs to be challenged.

18-58 Channel Of Judgement - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

A lot of his work threatens the pensions of many a scholar before him who have spoon fed society a one-answer-only narrative for much of our past ‘history’ as if they could not possibly be wrong themselves, and that evidence of our history is entirely finalised. Ra Uru Hu even talks about this in the Channel of Judgement section of the Rave BodyGraph Circuitry Book, and how impossible it is to present history as universal truth.

“As we are now entering the Aquarian age, our technology has expanded so much that it is harder for historians to lie, but they still do. This is not real lying in the sense that they want to lie. It is just that they are always lending their own perspective to things; they are filling in the spaces. In fact, the only way to make history accurate would be to tape everyone on the planet on video from every possible angle. Then you would have a semi-accurate history.”

64-47 Channel Of Abstract - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

This also outlines the power of Randall’s work as he really does dig deep and close to potential truths of the past in ways we have not quite had the knowledge or technology to do so, until now. In many ways he has a great voice for brushing imagery onto the parchment of our mind’s eye, and therefore how he relays information, as well as that he can be quite dignified and humble in his exclamations and judgments. He does not claim to have all the answers, rather he stacks up weighted evidence and calls out what has past been declared about specific historical claims.

“Logical people get serious about very strange things. These are the kind of people who can tell you that you must always squeeze the toothpaste from the back first.”

18-58 Channel Of Judgement - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

I could imagine Randall being the guy who has the toothpaste squeezer thing, as he seems like someone who likes to do the little things right, and I bet he would lecture you for not using the toothpaste dispenser/ not squeezing from the bottom of the toothpaste, if you were a housemate/partner.

He’s often very serious, and missing the joke in the room and more interested to lay the facts or focus on the point at hand.

“Logical People often miss the joke because they are so busy figuring out what the facts are.”

18-58 Channel Of Judgement - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

However, being an Aries-Sun and Splenic-Authority, he does lend himself to humour from time to time - but it’s not a stand out character of his work and more so his deeper personality, as he is usually onto the details of where the holes are or how to connect the dots. When we lend time to listen to him the charm of an endearing Aries-Sun glows bright and warm. I feel for Randall that his humour is of an advanced intellectual level so it is more so like a slow burn that needs a bed of coals to show itself in the details over the course of an evening.

When I saw the Gate-64 activation (later in the evening) along with the 3/5 Profile and completion of 64-47 Channel Of Abstraction, I was very convinced this would be his birth time. Not just because of the 3/5 Profile, which is also the same as Graham, but because he is a very logical person and the 64-47 Channel Of Abstraction is very much like Randall, Graham, and Joe.

“The abstract way is to try and fill in the gaps in these sequences…. ‘join the dots’. You join all the dots and it eventually makes a picture”

64 -47 Channel Of Abstract - Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

The 64-47 Channel of Abstraction, is very prominent in Randall’s energy and I find it really fits the theme of this 18-58 Channel Of Judgement, Large-Split-Definition Projector-Aura, 3/5 Profile, that I am theorising, and then as mentioned earlier his Astrologically loaded Fifth-House, in this window of time, which would make him an Aries-Sun, Scorpio-Moon, Scorpio-Rising.

When discerning his birth time, the 3/5 Profile in consideration to both the defined channels is suited to the theme that I see in his lifework and character.

“If the theater is on fire, and the fire department has not shown up due to budget cuts, the person standing in the middle of the theater yelling ‘this is not right’ while at the same time organizing a fire brigade and finding all the exits, is the Martyr Heretic. The 3/5 Profile combines two potent agents for change”

3 / 5 Profile - The Definitive Book of Human Design

When it comes to not making mistakes of the past, or that we are being lied to on many levels of corporate gains and half truths, Randall feels like that 3/5 telling us where the fire exits are, while also calling in the solutions to put out the fire. I can see how this plays out as an unaware Projector-Aura, as not always welcomed when uninvited… even in the obvious intent of saving lives. For Randall recognition is key and I see him to be in a successful time of his life’s work where he is authentically guiding others who genuinely want to listen to him ask his own questions about our untold history and past.

I put his chart next to Graham Hancock and I can see that the 55-39 Channel Of Emoting is completed in their Auras, and makes sense with Graham dominating this energy, provoking Randall’s insight into the spiritual awareness of the Emotional-Authority, Solar-Plexus-Center. As a Projector-Aura the undefined Center is a part of Randall’s Human Design, and theme to his being with others and the energy that he is designed to absorb. He is designed to be conditioned by this Solar-Plexus-Center and to become wise to this level of spirit awareness.

They also complete the 32-54 Channel Of Transformation, and the 25-51 Channel Of Initiation and that they hold some similar dormant and hanging Gates (as does Joe Rogan). The 32-54 is all about working hard at your own rhythm for your recognition within a tribe, which these two have evidently done, and perhaps Graham’s success or recognition (with this channel completed) has also helped bring Randall’s to the forefront of his own recognition and results of hard work, and or - respectably - vice versa, with the success of this projected channel residing in dormant and active hanging gates between them. Randall and Graham are both very popular online now and in the media because of this hard work.

I perceive that Graham is heard louder in nature by the majority, most likely due to this Emotional-Authority Solar-Plexus-Center being dominant to the other Human Design BodyGraph Center-Authorities, and that it’s a good example of how we can learn to have a greater appreciation for them as humans with unique energy. When we can observe and integrate the vocabulary of Human Design into our experience of being, we can have more dignity in understanding people’s natural energy. This is not to excuse negative Not-Self energy but we understand that the Not-Self habits never go away, so it takes time to overcome them as a primary place of habit.

This loudness of Graham is perhaps elevated with the 25-51 Channel Of Initiation as a channel of ‘being competitive… or not’ and when Graham and Randall are in aura they become very competitive in their philosophies as a union, however Graham is more naturally competitive out of the two. Randall is more so the gentle giant who arrives exactly when he intends, and doesn’t get too flustered into the social theatrics. I’d say that the element of ‘mystery’ in this 25-51 Channel Of Initiation is very evident between their work as they are almost like historian-detectives - solving a mystery. Not quite sure how the two separate gates would play out as dormant gates for each of them but I can understand from reading this channel, that perhaps why both are not as popular as they seemingly should be as they have very much had to force their work into the light, and that this work is perhaps too shocking for most who have not asked for it, and this is where Joe Rogan really lit up this channel from two dormant gates of projected channels to an invited ‘initiation’... as it describes initiation is not something you do it's more like a calling.

As a fellow Large-Split-Definition, Projector-Aura, and in recovery of being a serial blamer myself, these two are just as guilty with their ‘Large Splits’ and they blame a lot of people for this and that while sharing their work. In Graham it’s almost becoming a detriment to his work, as he frequently gasses at critics and is very opinionated about them, which is fair enough but not a good use of his energy. Randall does not get a pass on this either, as he rides the line of Judgement and blame frequently…

“America spends more money on McDonalds Franchise than it does on protecting itself from existential threats such as comets and asteroids”.

Randall Carlson - JRE Podcast 707

Joe Rogan a 6/2 Profile, who has the 64-47 Channel Of Abstraction also, does complete a few other channels for Graham and Randall, but if anything else, is an example of a Generator-Aura recognising two Projector-Auras entirely for the love of their madness and bravery… their authenticity… and maybe, their 3/5 Profiles? This 3/5 would be harmonic to Joe Rogan’s 6/2 Profile.

You can hear the love, endearment, and admiration in Joe’s voice when he talks with them, he’s captivated by their auras. You can tell he is in love with their character as much as their work. Graham & Randal both contribute great gratitude to Joe for their world wide recognition from being on his podcast/show, and both have made solo and duet appearances.

I even ran a chart of J Harlen Bretz an American Geologist - who is a hero of Randall’s or perhaps rather an ‘in-the-field’ role model or idol - and very much an old school version of Randall, only from 1882.

There is the funny story Randall and Graham tell about when Bretz was finally proved right by the scientific community, after long being damned by his peers for his pioneering theories, and to which he said something along the lines of ‘all my critiques are dead, and now I have no one to gloat over’ - as he was finally proven correct for proving gigantic flooding across the Americas. He was often asked where the water came from but now it’s proven, as rising temperatures far more aggressive than what Humans are tinkering with today, caused a mass melt of the Earth’s glaciers. It melted, and then flooded, and then retracted as water froze again.

It is cool to see the 64-47 Channel Of Abstraction crop up again in Bretz. It’s cute if you put the same time for Randall as Bretz, as Bretz is a 6/2 Hermit Role Model.

That concludes this Chart Study. I had a blast writing this and sat on it for over a year. I have had much struggle in the background of my life, and I have continued to create content in this time. Feeling a lot of locks being broken in the past few months the more I tune into the moment of my being. I write about things that I like, and like to dabble in detail that matters to me, this is not always to share, but given I write so much there is often something to share.

I have not found a quick way of doing this, so I am just learning to go along with it. It is often rewarding to follow my Splenic-Authority for this project - Acoustic Mutation - and the blog posts that I write, alike to my show notes for future podcasts episodes, which always evolve over time and their duration of draft to published often feels as if meant to be. I often bump into new findings or exciting inserts to add from naturally stimulated investigations of my True-Self energy.

I really love that first picture of Randall with the microphone on his tour. The megaphone one is great but the framing of the first one, suits the section of writing so well. It perfectly captures the essence of his formality, passion and Aries-Like charm and ‘chatterbox’ quirk that I am writing about. We can see what appears to be a little boombox hanging down from his neck, and the clip mic so he can be hands free, to which again the framing of the picture really captures his passion and geeky charm. I also love that I got to write a little bit about Aries in the section before, leading into the picture. It made me smile so much, as I genuinely had not realised he was an Aries-Sun when I had first written this blog post - over a year ago. Sometimes I forget us Aries can be born in March. So it felt like it just snuck into the post, and made me smile when I came back to edit for publication.

As I said I really enjoy being a chatterbox and really adored the quote I inserted from Linda Goodman’s Sun Sign book, earlier in the blog post. It is interesting to see how my natural energy of my BodyGraph played out in childhood in this way, before society’s conditioning really polluted young Alex. I remember my Generator-Aura parents recognising that I enjoyed this sort of ‘conferencing’ and would invite me in to do so often, and even told my school teachers about it, and that I was good at phrasing to diverse audiences, and would occasionally find myself center stage talking to a bunch of adults, or friends when invited in.

I can’t wait to get started with my podcast episodes ‘The Acoustic Mutation Experiment’. It will be so fun and transform my writing on this blog as it will give my audience more of an essence of my flavour and style with my voice being brought into the mix. I once got into a cab and the driver was quick to say ‘you were on the radio as a DJ a few years ago right?’. They had recognised my voice three years later after appearing as a DJ on a local FM Radio (which was actually from recognition of a 4/6 Generator-Aura friend - causing a direct invite - when looking back.) To add to the theme of recognition of my voice and seemingly harmonic 4/6 Profile encounters, a 4/6 Manifestor-Aura was who recently informed me that I have a lovely voice, combining this as a cherry on top to the recognition of how I share about many different topics and my interests. It was this recognition from a 4/6 aware Manifestor-Aura that was an invitation to start a podcast.

In true Alex fashion, I have been experimenting and investigating the optimum ways to transmit to my tribe with the resources available to me, with this blog being apart of that process, and the invitation for the podcast is truly where this platform began. For the time being I will continue to share through my blog and work towards a series of show notes for a podcast as this is something I continue to feel excited and drawn towards on an almost daily basis.

Thank You.


BodyGraph and Natal Charts:




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