
First Line Personality - Sixth Colour Motivation

“This sixth colour of innocence. The innocent investigator is very special, in many ways this is like the fool on the hill, which is a wonderful line it’s the sixth line of the 19th gate… There is a special aloofness in this quality. The observer observed, this is very much the investigation within and without, but from a very powerful movement from the subjective to the objective, that is so much part of a six process.”

★ Line 1: The Investigator Personality - The Personality Profile Lectures

As an aloof goof I explore the sensory field of my environment from an anchor of introspective experiences that I gaze through many tools of knowledge. Rooting my foundations in my own observations and subjective internalised experiences, before looking outward towards objective measurements of truth.

I enjoy using an array of practices as a multidimensional backdrop to explore a narrative. My service belt is heavy and the schematics to my methodology have often come under much misinterpretation.

A part of this is because I am comfortable with interchangeably exploring materials, verdicts, and practices, and naturally I seem to be drawn to the experience of a diverse amount of topics and more so their nature of unison that I sense between them all. I can happily discuss Human Design, Astrology, Psychology, Sade, Tigers, History, Yoga, Feng Shui, Poetry, Politics, Fashion, Fitness, Zelda, Flotation Therapy, Music, and or more, into the same cauldron of remedy.

I have no problem discussing a topic through many lenses, I often want the most lived experience possible of what I am investigating, ideally coming from as much of the source of education, as to then the equal parts measured to the flowering of its interpretations. If I don’t reach an experience of reality then I seek this investigation to be backed by a rich variety and an abundance of practiced perspectives and knowledge, to be then contrasted and compared to other observations that I make about my different interests and focuses.

I like to hear the things that aren’t said, and look at the things that aren’t being seen. If I am only able to study a subject, and not experience it, then I can still take these dimensions and look outward at other experiences I have had and measure their circumference to the relativity of certain ideologies, or convert vocabulary into a new terminology from other interests that I have studied. Quite often just sharing in writing or out aloud in this way brings me truths about things that I was not even looking at, or specifically investigating, because I am so random in the spectrum of my interests, and energetically I seem to have a way of bumping into things one way or another.

Since discovering Human Design, I have learned it is best for me not to have a reason or ‘desire’ to know the unknown or mystery and as to why I want to think or discuss topics, and that knowing comes through time and being acoustic. When surrendering to the wheelhouse of what is my True-Self thought the mutation of wisdom lies in the invitation to think.

It is often here when I detach a reason to my thinking or investigations, and accept that understanding takes time to process subjective into objective mutations of wisdom, that I then experience a transformation of ideas and perspective akin to the satori of acoustic mutation.

Following my Splenic-Authority as a Projector-Aura leads me out of mental assumptions and allows me to play by my nose as to what feels interesting and important to me, and what feels safe. In the now of my Splenic-Authority in the moment is the only shelter I need seek.

Perhaps I thrive in a aloof manner amongst a wide variety of interests because I am able to tune into the now which through awareness can remove me from the Not-Self energy absorbed in these experiences or knowledge, opening up it’s recollection to be bumped into at a later truth of objective parallels.

“Your Life Theme is to describe everything that happens in your world. You do this by observing the processes of growth and change and relating them to the underlying principles at work in our universe. You always know at least two ways of assessing and describing the same thing. Your meditation is to appreciate that not everything is as it appears, no matter how much you or anyone else thinks it should be. Scientific and religious belief systems are continuously reinventing themselves, and you have a gift for appreciating and describing alternative possibilities as they shift from one perspective to another. Your openness to shifting perspectives gives you a profound attunement to this great mystery called life and our place in it.

★ Sun in Gate 42: The Personal Life Theme of The MAYA (1) - Book Of Destinies

This platform Acoustic Mutation is an invitation presented to me by an aware (and harmonic) 4/6 Profile, Manifestor-Aura, who also has a defined G-Center - unlike myself. Upon this tailored invite they informed me of two recognised qualities about myself, being the reason as to why I should ‘start a podcast’.

The first part of recognition in this invitation to start a podcast was in how I am able to recollect and story so many different practices, divinations, and topics as my own affectionate fable. They stated that I do this with tender grace and care and that I am a fluid and receptive person who has a sparkling character to their intentions, that is refreshing, authentic, and avant-garde in its independence, while humbly remaining affluently self aware. ‘No ego there!?’

I get told often that I am a very self aware person as well as being skilfully receptive to others.

Throughout my life many people have told me that I should be a journalist, mediator, detective, a judge, or a consultant. This sort of dialogue, that has followed me around in life, has often been said in conjunction that I am a receptive person who can hold a neutral perspective in how I weigh in on what I see and also feels in tune with my peace and harmony seeking Libra-Rising energy - which could present interestingly for a podcast.

The second part of this recognition in regards to being invited to start a podcast, was the tone of my voice.

Which I must say, this lil’ Aries-Sun, couldn’t help but blush under the impact of such a compliment from a lovely Manifestor-Aura. Especially one - themselves - with such an addictive fawning voice, that commands anyone to their will should they so articulate them to do so.

This invitation required strong awareness and it dove deep into my childhood where I even remember my parents telling my teachers at school that I liked conferencing, in a style that was not known then as podcasting, and of course I was the star of the show. They had talked about a series I was doing where I was recording about what I saw and was interested in. I feel like 1/3 Profiles benefit from this reporting back from the depths of the foundations, and when being vocal-acoustic is often a good time for me to feel where my energy belongs in a project or if the foundations need reforming. As a Projector-Aura it’s best when my scampering traits are to be invited in comfortably - so that I can detail my success’ and failed-success’ of my day.

Many people say they like my voice, or that hearing my voice adds so much to my writing style or persona that had previously corrupted their interpretation of me. Maybe I have a huge ego and like the sound of my own voice or opinions?

I once got in a cab and the driver quickly said ‘you were on the radio a few years ago, I was bumping your DJ set’. They were not wrong. The info checked out and it was wild that they had recognised me from my voice after all those years, as we established that we had not crossed paths otherwise, and this radio appearance was relatively stray of my own experiences.

Recently, I even had a friend tell me I should record ASMR… There is certainly something articulate about ASMR with Alex The Aries… How adorable. Adorably articulated ASMR about Alex The Aries… Six “A’s” in seven words… Now that is marketing - eh!?

This cuts deeper than my adorable alliteration of ASMR analogy, as many have referred to me as a ‘voice’ of reason and I am no stranger to people calling me their buddha, sensei, ji, or a wise man, which is something one should be careful about how they brag this, but in my own practiced objectiveness, and vulnerable sharing, this is what I have sensed through more than just words of admiration or my paced youthful vocal tones, and even more so by the nature of how I play in life.

Energetically my aura speaks to starting fresh, continually as a 1 / 3 Profile I often have had to experience starting over a process or aspect of life with no choice or a tough decision to make to remix my world, when I find out a new layer to the foundations.

Whether it’s my playful ego, a failure in lessons lived and learned, a success of a bond made and broken - I feel it is this pattern of renewal that people are energetically enveloped towards myself as being one who understands transformation, and that this also resonates in the way that I enjoy being acoustic and vocal about my powerful passion for learning, and what framework of a creative visionary this descends into when I am left to my own devices.

“I’ve gone past beyond the point of meditation. Came back out of Shavasana, like my own cremation! My egos so dead it formed a new type of amalgamation… Flaming Raging Aries that’s no subtle exclamation!”

★ The Tribal Transmitter - Alex The Aries Poem

One ancient acquaintance in a particular scenario said that I guided them acoustically through a tough time of their life, where they needed a new start, and a way out. In sharing about this they compared me to the helper bird in Banjo Kazooie, Kazooie, and or a like to the fairy Navi in The Legend of Zelda, and that they were following my voice. In these said video games the ‘guides’ often interact with the character in an objective manner and focus, while still being very much a part of the subjective experience alongside them as a comrade.

"Link, I sense an artic wind coming from Zora's Domain! Maybe you should check it out?"

★ Navi - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Thematically as a Projector-Aura and considering the Third-Line of my 1 / 3 Profile, this pioneering mutative guidance theme resonates with being a Scorpio-Moon, and one who is comfortable to hold space for transformation.

In guidance, often when people turn to me they seem to be lost in a subjective of their experience, and in search of an objective-perspective from someone who is ideally receptive to their uniqueness first and foremost. I feel I am better at extracting wisdom from others about myself, than I am internally searching for them, as a Projector-Aura is said to see aspects of themselves within others. This makes it simple to understand how a Projector-Aura can absorb this truth about another and ask them questions of guidance through such an invitation, as they can recognise the humility shared between two auras, and relate!

For any guide for that matter, through this recognition comes validation in the seekers subjective perspective, and this opens up the door to an objective ally who is brave enough to frame a new perspective. To have the humility and understanding of what it takes to mutate from a subjective to an objective perspective takes one who has had no choice but to embrace adaptation as a theme of how they play in the world.

The Third-Line is present in half the profiles when taking into account the Tripartite life of the Sixth-Line also having a Third-Line process, and in this way the Third-line is a human experience, and I speak to this adaptation of starting over again energetically rather than in the maia’s measurement of social severity of a situation in one’s life. Past being a human experience - I really resonate with this theme of starting over and learning from my mistakes of how to attach significance to the helpful perspectives of knowledge and experience, as this generates authentic wisdom of foundations - to climb ever higher from.

Much of my own life’s process and being has had to be about starting again, picking up the pieces, much alike to the adoring analogy of the collection and gathering of my books, snacks, and toys that I have fallen asleep amongst - whilst investigating.

I understand this transformative guidance, energetically, as I’ve had strangers unload their life questions on me while momentarily crossing paths with my aura, almost as if they had known me all their life to be someone they could trust to bring a new perspective to the table. In Astrology I look at this and see perhaps, in part, this is to do with my VX being in Aries - as it would seem I cross paths with people who energetically seek to blaze a new Aries-like-trail of their own.

In these experiences the ‘fool on the hill’ - as quoted earlier about my First-Line’s Sixth-Colour-Motivation - is also rather endearing when we consider not only my Active-Mountains-Environment, the hill, but that this Sixth-Colour-Motivation comes from my Aries-Sun placement of my Sun-Gate- - the fool?

“There’s absolutely nothing dumber than an Aries male, particularly an Aries male that has their Sun in the 51, because this is just a gate of being either brave or foolish, which are always the same thing but it depends on the circumstances and the Ego isn’t bright. It doesn’t have any intelligence, it’s just power.”

25 - 51 Channel of Initiation - Channels by Type

I can’t spell aloof without ‘a fool’ and I love how this Aries energy themes into my Sixth-Colour-Motivation while also being driven by the fact I have a Defined-Ego-Center, and as a ram-like-man who leads with their head forward, arrogantly playing to the sense of their own nose. Smell is linked to both my Sixth-Colour-Motivation and my Active-Mountains-Environment.

Rams are also notable for their keen sense of smell as well as being unbearably-adorable.

To many-a-person in my life, my own methodology may not make much sense, and in many ways people in my life have to take me seriously, but not too seriously.

In the lens of my Sixth-Colour-Motivation I sense themes with in my Mars placements such as Mars in Aquarius Fifth-House, Aries-Sun, or Scorpio-Moon as one who can be midday hot in one moment and midnight cold in another which partners into this said ‘aloof goof’ and or egotistical energy.

My Libra-Rising has its work cut out for it, as if an angel sent from the stars above to orchestrate the assertive-aggressive Mars placements of both an exalted Aries-Sun, and a detrimental Scorpio-Moon placement. A friend once pointed towards my back and said I had ‘furry wings’ which seems to be a fair interpretation, perhaps I am sent here to balance out this Martian energy with the most potent piece of peace in the galaxy, Libra’s Ruling-Planet Venus.

Venus and Mars step to a keen dance in my astrological nativity scene and in particular how I play in the world as they both show up in my Fifth-House.

Both can be considered my chart ruler - with Venus either through my Third-Decan Aries-Sun, or my First-Decan Libra-Rising, at just a cute Four-Degrees.

My Aries-Sun placement has a rulership of Mars, as does my Scorpio-Moon have an association with Mars. My Fifth-House Venus-In-Pisces and Mars-In-Aquarius being a particular tribute to how I play in the world.

As we get older the inner planets such as Mars and Venus become less significant to the role we play as the bolster of the outer planets continue to reign on, and I’ve always seen my Eighth-House Mercury-In-Taurus as perhaps my life’s work of intellect will come to light after I have left this life, seeing the unseen ahead of my time, or at least the awareness of this idea deeply resonates with the disconnected objectivity in my work that requires this subjective life cycle to part ways with. I say this due to the occult menstruation of the Eighth-House, and in particular the Eighth-House-Mercury thriving inherent intuitive insights of communicating what not everyone is seeing and that this sort of success stews solemnly. Recognition may not always be experienced so does this success make a sound in this lifetime?

For myself it doesn’t need to make sense of what I am exploring, and as a First-Line Personality-Conscious, being introspective, alike to an Aries, Yogi, or Splenic-Authority I find deep content in the foundation of the ‘now’ and in my own catchphrase ‘I am’ it is here where I thrive. I can only imagine how much my Ego-Center definition being defined in my Unconscious-Design inflames my adorable ram like arrogance, to which I prefer the phrase passionate-patootie.

Learning about my Sixth-Colour-Motivation was a big turning point in my Human Design experiment. A role model to me and one of my core Human Design teachers, Anastasia McElhaney of Luminous Unraveling, helped me understand this dimension of myself, as a Projector-Aura, and that observing this Colour-Motivation-Transference is something Projector-Auras are good at recognising in others and therefore when experiencing ‘transference’ from others, as well as when others seem to be out of their own authenticity. This aspect of Human Design is popular as it correlates directly to the conscious passenger we all behold and can relate to, and can be used by everyone as an awareness tool.

Anastasia has a knack and patience for working with other people, and more so resilient to my goofy-serious ways, allowing me to be seen for simply being who I am. She helped me identify how my own Colour-Motivation-Transference into the Third-Colour-Motivation of ‘Desire’ had played out in my life experiences, and what those subjective experiences were like - having signed off from them in print of an objective auric signature - were these experiences bitterness or success?

This insight gave me a strong schematic to understanding how to observe Colour-Motivation-Transference - extracting the concept in past lived experiences - and with Anastasia being a Sixth-Line Personality-Conscious which shares similar key-noting to the Sixth-Colour-Motivation being relatable to the observer observed, and in the subjective Third-Line phase which mutates from this aloof roof into an objective quantum of their own Colour-Motivation.

I recognise in Anastasia as she is climbing towards a similar aloof process, a Third-Line’s experience of wisdom through awareness in learning how to embody a Third-Line’s process, and perhaps why she has had such a profound hand in my own awareness to Human Design, as a 1 / 3 Profile myself, learning through her own shared awareness.

What I truly appreciate about Anastasia is she also encourages a community of humility and leads with intent to not discourage people to be as they are. She turned the page on who I thought I was by allowing me to feel seen and validated, as well as conjured much inner healthy assertiveness within myself through this recognition and respect.

To me she will always be the Queen Of Nos, as she helped me build a stronger foundation to say yes to myself, in the form of asserting No.

Understanding what a correct invitation is, and feeling into that recognition is such a monumentally important aspect of following the strategy of the projector. I often stress how important learning to say ‘no’ is for the projector. It truly becomes a magic word. The less time we spend doing things that do not feel fulfilling, that do not offer us a sense of recognition, that do not make us feel seen, the more time we have available for the opportunities and invitations that do.

★ The Projector Type - Luminous Unraveling

In a Natal-Chart reading Anastasia was the one who first pointed out and cross referenced my Sixth-Colour-Motivation to my Astrology Natal-Chart with other examples of my Libra-Rising as one who embodies balance and harmony of ideas, taking from each sides to weigh in on a matter, or my Fifth-House Ruling-Planet Mars-In-Aquarius, alongside my Fifth-House Venus-In-Pisces being someone who plays by their own creative and expressive drive or ego, and gently played this into the theme of my Sixth-Colour-Motivation. Anastasia also pointed out that I have an abundance of water placements which loops back in the receptiveness I have of others, and in how I investigate the Maia around me.

Anastasia has always reminded me of Sheik in The Legend of Zelda, specifically The Ocarina of Time. Sheik is actually Princess Zelda in disguise, and understands the antagonist, Link, or Alex The Aries, and shares wisdom to help him succeed on his quest…

“Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.”

Sheik - Zelda, The Ocarina Of Time

I’ve felt a lot of rejection in life particularly as I do not finish many things that I start, and working with Anastasia helped me understand my Sixth-Colour-Motivation as just being as it is, and gave me an edge on my ability to sense Colour-Motivation-Transference of ‘Desire’ not only coming from others, but in temptation of my own Not-Self mechanics.

Having investigated source material further and experimented in my own being I feel I have a much better nose now for my Colour-Motivation-Transference, as I find myself to be more successful in how I invest my energy, as I can recognise what is authentic to myself or not. Being a Splenic-Authority this has given me great anchorage in my own unique design to experiment, audit and reverse engineer the volume of my mind, and therefore more capacity to listen to my True-Self and make decisions from this Splenic-Authority.

“The more you think about colour, the more you watch it, the more you pay attention to it, the easier it is to smell it, this is the magic of the mind. It’s one of the things that I so deeply love about mind, because I have not given up on mind, I haven’t. I watch mine, and I see mind can be correct, it can. This is part of the process of training the mind.”

★ Line 5: The Heritic Personality - The Personality Profile Lectures

Recognising transference makes sense in looking backwards at my life experiences. I am painfully introverted, and as suggested rather aloof and it often hurts when I experience people who recall something that I was doing or previously investigating - and ask me how it proceeded - as typically I will have transformed many layers away from this experience or identity, and maybe with nothing materially beneficial to offer other than lessons lived and learned, what I sensed, and if there is any conscious knowing that I conjured - but these things are not always appropriately valued in the fast paced world we live in.

Often in these social expectations, when I was unaware, I would then be driven by the desire to go back to this project or investigation, and prove myself in this way even though my True-Self has moved so far away from this. It was almost shamefully-felt when I looked back at these life experiences and remembered this cellular bitterness - so now in my experiment - I really move at my own pace and accept if things are to be finished I’ll find myself there in the moment.

It is helpful when I am around people who simply appreciate my insight to share what I saw, or ask what I am working on currently, as I am always trying to find the same synergy in the colour of life, regardless of the topic. I do not feel that the people I have guided in my life have so much taken what I have said as an end all truth but rather the way in which I explored the concept to open up a different door to their own truth, that gave them the bravery to make their own decisions - with an easy example being like ‘art’ and how this can inspire people.

Even in my own failings I am learning to not measure myself to the fast pace of this life in comparison to the sloth-like aura of a Projector-Aura.

What I have witnessed in my Human Design experiment is that when I am aligned away from this Colour-Motivation-Transference and following my Splenic-Authority, that life shows up in an endearingly illogical manner. Magic occurs, drawing into me excited-invitations from people who recognise me. This awareness gives me something to chew on consciously, especially myself with a design to think. Most importantly this awareness of Colour-Motivation-Transference helps my mind filter out the bitter lens of others that I have developed, which has drained me in previous unaware life experiences.

Rendering past galleries of out of line interactions I can see where I have been pulled away from my own self as an unaware Projector-Aura who so temptingly needs others.

In many ways people often try to talk me out of my own subjective experiences, or investigations, and energetically I wonder if this is in part, due to their own fusion they experience when they have subjective experiences, and or remedied in how they are uniquely motivated or designed, and therefore in contrast to my own indifference; to double, or triple dip, where I am still able to return to an objective perspective or belonging.

When I have surrendered to being a conscious passenger I am awakened to the energy Human Design is pointing at, and form this I have been able to encompass deeper compassion for others.

The bond made and broken of a 1 / 3 Profile has been recently-rich in my experience and experiment of Human Design, in terms of what feels correct for me. Unlearning habits and conditioning of the past takes time, a cellular cycle of the human body is considered 7 years, and so I can only offer gratitude for where I am at today, and awareness of this layer to my Sixth-Colour-Motivation and it’s stark contrast of Transference has shown me grace in accepting myself.


#acousticmutation #alexthearies #introspectionadaptation

#humandesignprojector #splenicprojector


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